Welcome to Site Stylus

Site Stylus makes it possible for you to modify your webpage,
create A/B tests and schedule content to be displayed.

Many possibilities

Site Stylus is an add-on to your website. You do not need to replace
your current supplier or let us build your website.
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Change the margin, color and style of texts

Modify your website

Are you tired of not being able to change your website the way you want with the
tools at your current system? Site Stylus is an add-on that allows you to click on
anything on your site and change its appearance. It couldn't be easier!
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Change the color of buttons and other elements

A/B tests

Have you wondered what the difference will be if the buttons on your site
would be red or blue? With Site Stylus you can get visitor statistics on the
differences with different designs. You choose the design yourself.
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Resize images, text, lines and more

Schedule content

Are you planning to start a campaign on Christmas Eve but do not have time to
change the texts the same day? Then use Site Stylus to create content that only
appears on specific dates that you set in advance. Sit back and relax.
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